Happy Parents

Switzerland from the train

Surprised birthday girl

View from our house

Christmas Market in Konstanz

Christmas Market in Konstanz

Christmas Market in Konstanz

Christmas Market in Konstanz

Visit in Wehr at my cousin's place

Visit in Wehr at my cousin's place

Dad and Eddie


Walk in Schopfheim


Christmas market Schopfheim

Bath Robe Girls

Skate ski in Alt St. Johann

Coffee before my skate ski in Alt St. Johann

Skate ski in Alt St. Johann

Skate ski in Alt St. Johann

Skate ski in Alt St. Johann

Switzerland from the train

Switzerland from the train

Coffee shop in Konstanz

Behind the theatre in Konstanz

Stadttheater Konstanz

Stadttheater Konstanz

My parents

With Arne

Walk with friends

Friends visiting

Friends visiting

Getting ready for Christmas

With Arne in BC

Showing off our gifts

Under the tree

Our old pool in Konstanz

Sunrise on our drive to BC

Court house Konstanz

Downtown Konstanz

Sunrise on our drive to BCAlps in the background


Arne fast asleep


Tree is ready

Arne arrives

With Arne

Definitely asleep

Dad and cat resting

View of the Alps
