Woerthersee Austria

Practice swim

Woerthersee Austria - Ironman venue

Along Woerthersee

ATLS Towel at Swim Exit

Woerthersee Austria

Woerthersee Austria

Swim Exit the day before the race

Ironman Austria Expo

Ironman Austria Expo

Ironman Austria Expo - Skinfit!

Woerthersee Austria

ATLS Towel at Ironman Austria


Woerthersee Austria

Race morning

Race morning

Special needs bag dropoff



Cheerleaders getting ready

Just before the swim start

Just before the swim start

Just before the swim start

Just before the swim start

Swim start

Spectators getting ready

Last 800m is in a canal

Swim exit prior to first swimmers



Media getting ready

First swimmers

Swim exit

Flying camera

That's me!

Finishing 3.8km swim

Swim done

Swim done

On the bike

On the bike

90km turnaround

Swim canal getting quiet

Near transition

DONE and I mean DONE!