Golden Triangle 2011 Day 1Day 1Between Lake Louise and RadiumFirst snack stop2011gtWaking up to this on the first day!First snack stopLunch Day 1WowTom - eatingMona - eatingLunch Day 1Day 1Day 1Perfect cateringBreakfast RadiumBreakfast RadiumRobin Day 2Dinner Day 1Dinner Day 1Spectacular SceneryTom and Mona at the first snack stopAfternoon break Day 1Kootenay RiverLast snack Day 1Arrived at the pubThe Dry Gulch Ramblers!Golden hour in RadiumGetting ready for dinner in GoldenLeaving Radium Day 2Lunch Stop Day 2Near the Great Divide on Day 3Snack stop Day 2Alistair on Day 2Day 3 east of GoldenDay 3 east of GoldenMore food - Day 3Hmmm MochaGraham Day 3Just past the Great Divide on Day 3Kari and RandyBeer and Hockey Game - still in cycling clothes!Dinner in GoldenDinner in GoldenDinner in GoldenDinner in GoldenGeoff at dinner in GoldenKari with a full plateDinner in GoldenTired?Day 3 after lunchMore food - Day 3In FieldSnack stop in FieldReady for the last hillAlmost done!More foodKari and RandyReady for the last hillKari and butter tarts!The only flat at the last snack stopGreat mechanic fixing my broken cableEating again?GeoffNear Rogers Pass on the drive backNear Lake LouiseWildlifeEvening walk in GoldenEvening walk in GoldenNear Lake Louise - Almost doneLauraDonLaura and GeoffWildlife in Radium2011goldentriangle